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Testimony – Cadet Beola Conteh

Session: Defenders of Justice

From: Auburn Corps (NSW)

Appointed to: Corps Officer at Cairns Corps (Qld)

Silver Star recipients: Mrs Winifred Wallace. Mr Prince Coker

Academic award: Certificate of Salvation Army Officer Training Diploma in Theology


I am Beola. I have come from Sierra Leone, West Africa, and came with my husband Edward to Australia in 2009. Due to a civil war, my husband and I had to flee to a neighbouring country and later resettled in Australia with the assistance of The Salvation Army.

I was born and raised in a Christian home in Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. I came to know the Lord at the age of 15 in a Scripture Union meeting.

My journey to where I am now all started when I came to Australia and was introduced to The Salvation Army at the Auburn Corps. The impactful influence they had on me made me feel a sense of spiritual belonging, as if it gave me a chance to give back. This is how my journey at The Salvation Army started.

My husband and I were given the opportunity to come to Eva Burrows College to study theology. Entering college was a very exciting moment for me. However, being in college has continued to reveal God’s faithfulness and plan for me.

My favourite Scripture verse is Joshua 1:9 (NIV): “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do no be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This always reminds me that God is with me always. As I am here now using the gift that was given to me to give the gift of love that God showed to me many years ago.

Bible verse:With great understanding, Wisdom is calling out as she stands at the crossroads and on every hill. She stands by the city gate where everyone enters the city, and she shouts: ‘I am calling out to each one of you! Good sense and sound judgement can be yours. Listen because what I say is worthwhile and right. I always speak the truth and refuse to tell a lie. Every word I speak is honest, not one is misleading or deceptive. If you have understanding, you will see that my words are just what you need. Let instruction and knowledge mean more to you than silver or the finest gold. Wisdom is worth much more than precious jewels or anything else you desire’” (Proverbs 8:1-11 (CEV).


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