• Sydney Mission Summit

Different expressions of The Salvation Army’s faith community in Sydney were invited to take part in the Sydney Mission Summit for worship, teaching and connection on 5 November.
“Divisional Commander Captain Kim Haworth challenged us to have not just faith in God, but the faith of God, and to have faith for greater things!" said Major Robyn Black, Area Officer – Sydney.
“Territorial Commander Commissioner Miriam, Gluyas shared her heart about the need for The Salvation Army to be a spiritual home for people and for us to be vigilant in prayer for people.
“At night, Miriam spoke at the youth service and encouraged the young people to be a Hero Generation, stepping up in leadership, working for social justice and sharing Jesus with others.
“It was such a great day. Jesus was honoured, we were inspired, good food was consumed, friendships were made and renewed. All glory to God for his goodness.”