SPEACO experience an ‘absolute gift’, says Aussie delegate

“SPEACO was fantastic … there was an incredible wealth of information from all of the speakers,” said Captain Adam Peterson, Territorial Chaplaincy Specialist.
Adam was one of four Australian delegates to attend the recent South Pacific and East Asia College for Officers (SPEACO) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The college ran from 17 June to 5 July.

“Beyond the classroom sessions, though, gaining an understanding of what The Salvation Army looks like beyond the Australia Territory was impacting,” Adam added.
“Talking with officers who are serving in appointments that can be difficult and at times dangerous, while speaking with such passion of God and the Army’s mission was inspiring and revealing in terms of what is possible and what God is doing around the world. To be informed, challenged and inspired while in the company of amazing officers from the SPEA zone was an absolute gift to me and hopefully one I can repay through my own service.”
Major Phil Gluyas, Captain Robyn Lorimer and Captain Phuong Reynolds were the additional three Australian delegates.
Different locations

“The South Pacific and East Asia College for Officers is facilitated by the South Pacific and East Asia Zonal Office every three years and runs for three weeks,” explained Major Meaghan Gallagher, Assistant Under Secretary for the SPEA Zone. “This College for Officers is held in different locations throughout the zone, with the last three being in Australia, Indonesia, and this year in Thailand.
Meaghan serves in her appointment under Commissioners Robyn and Wayne Maxwell, SPEA Zone leaders. All three are from the Australia Territory.
The mission statement for the college is: “SPEACO exists to develop spiritual leadership, personal holiness, as well as affirm a sense of value and worth to God within the Army. It also exists to strengthen commitment to officership, gain an informed appreciation of the various cultures within the zone, and share the vision of the Army’s mission throughout the South Pacific and East Asia.”

The territories and region within the SPEA Zone nominate delegates for the college.
“Delegates attended around 50 sessions led by [Australian] Principals Majors Peter and Kerrie Farthing and International Secretaries for SPEA, Commissioners Robyn and Wayne and Robyn Maxwell, and a number of guest speakers,” shared Adam. “Each territory made cultural presentations and had their own responsibility.
“All the speakers were terrific. Hebrews 12:1-2 was the Scripture passage for the time away, and other key passages included Acts 1:8 and Micah 6:8.”
Personal impact At the conclusion of the first week, Commissioner Robyn Maxwell wrote, “A stunning week filled with beautiful worship, singing and reading the Word in different languages. Enriching Bible teaching from Major Peter Farthing on the Gospel of Luke, holiness by Lieut. Colonel Nigel Cross [Chief Secretary of Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand Territory], and Spiritual Formation by Major Kerrie Farthing. Australia and Indonesia territories presented to us an inspiring session sharing a little of their culture as well as a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in their territory!”

Captain Robyn Lorimer, Executive Assistant to Territorial Leaders and Secretary for Spiritual Life, also shared some of her impressions and experiences of SPEACO.
“So many beautiful friendships and memories are being formed … Friday was a very special day as Commissioners Wayne and Robyn shared devotions with us and told the story of Wayne and how he had his cardiac arrest and yet survived,” she wrote. “And to see him standing in front of us fit and healthy was an absolute miracle of God.
“Were blessed to sit under the leadership of Lieuts-Colonels Nigel and Stacey Cross who spoke about holiness … I particularly enjoyed the topic on self-care and how we work that into holy living … during the Aussie cultural display, we invited everyone to share Vegemite and it was hilarious, but also great to see that many of them enjoyed it.
“God has been very evident from the start … and was present in all that we did.”
The delegates also visited an Elephant Freedom Village run by a family belonging to the Karen Hill Tribe of Chiang Mai and dedicated to the wellbeing of the elephants.

“It was an amazing experience seeing the elephants up close,” shared Robyn Maxwell. “Nothing quite like being hugged by an elephant – or two! Following this we spent time with a family who served us coffee in their village and shared their handmade products with us. Precious moments shared with them as we sang some worship songs in our different languages, ending our visit with a special prayer being prayed over their family.”
For additional photos, click on the slideshow below.