• Songster concert a big hit

A combined Sydney and Melbourne Staff Songster concert at Parramatta Corps in western Sydney on the weekend was a huge success, with both the audience and choral groups combining in worship.
Sydney Staff Songsters Manager Ryan Howes said it was the first time the choral groups had performed together since before the COVID-19 lockdowns, and there was a palpable sense of joy throughout the event.
“The audience was feeding energy to the choir as much as the choir was throwing it back at them!” he said.
On the Sunday after the Saturday combined concert, each choral group visited a different Sydney corps. The Melbourne Staff Songsters participated in worship at Hurstville, and the Sydney Staff Songsters sang at Rockdale.
“We don't get to visit our own backyard a lot,” said Ryan. “Rockdale holds a lot of memories for some in our group, so the Sunday was very special.”
For more on the weekend, go to the Sydney Staff Songsters Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sydneystaffsongsters