Sharing a slice of love on R U OK? Day in Port Augusta

The Salvation Army in Port Augusta (SA) shared a slice of love on a prominent mental health day, giving community members the opportunity to have a chat and get anything off their chest.
National R U OK? Day is an annual event held to raise awareness of suicide prevention through conversations and connectedness.
On Thursday 14 September, The Salvation Army in Port Augusta hosted a morning tea and pizza lunch and gave participants the opportunity to air out their problems that may be weighing heavy on their minds.
Jake Collins, the Homelessness Program Manager for Port Augusta, said it was a wonderful day for all involved.
“Services came together to host community events to raise awareness for R U OK? Day,” he said. “The Salvation Army hosted a morning tea and pizza lunch donated by Dominoes Port Augusta. During the morning tea, participants were able to yarn about their experiences and strengthen their connection to the community.
“Centacare also arranged an event at the yacht club and were supported by The Salvation Army, Headspace and Ignite Cheer and Dance.
“There was badge-making, games, food and affirmation creation followed by a mindfulness activity led by Maddie from Centacare and overlooking the water.
“Thanks to everyone who supported the events, and we hope to make it bigger and better next year as it is a really important issue.”
If you are having suicidal thoughts, please seek assistance by contacting your trusted healthcare professional or calling Lifeline on 13 11 14.
If you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, seek immediate assistance by calling Triple Zero (000).
An edited version of an article courtesy of The Transcontinental Port Augusta (author Matt Welch)
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