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Promoted to glory notices - 2023

Salvation Army officers and personnel who have been promoted to glory:

Lieut-Colonel Bruce Stevens was promoted to glory on Friday 15 December 2023 aged 65. Our love and prayers, along with our heartfelt sympathy, cover Lieut-Colonel Debra, Kerry and Glenn Smith, Captains Mitchell and Sally Stevens and all six grandsons - Seth, Levi, Malachi, Nathaniel, Joshua and Noah. A service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Bruce’s life will be held on Friday 22 December 2023 at 2pm at The Salvation Army, Box Hill Corps. The Livestream recording can be viewed here 

Major George Lingard was Promoted to Glory on Wednesday 13 December 2023 aged 82 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Beryl, Justin and Damian and the family. A service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of George’s life will be held on Thursday 4 January 2024 at 11am at The Salvation Army, Hurstville Corps. 

 Major Margaret Newdick was promoted to glory on Sunday 26 November 2023, aged 80. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Jon and Diane Kile, David and Marj Newdick, Nelma Burns and all the family. A private family service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Margaret’s life was held on Monday 11 December 2023.

Major Joan Brown was promoted to glory on Monday 13 November 2023, aged 80. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Joan’s brother and sister-in-law, Majors David and Reta Brown and family. ‌A service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Joan’s life will be held on Thursday 7 December 2023 at 1.30pm at Rookwood Crematorium South Chapel NSW. ‌The Live Streaming Link for Joan’s service, which can be viewed for up to 90 days, please click

HERE to watch.

Auxiliary-Captain Graham Bruce was promoted to glory on Saturday 11 November 2023 aged 88. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Auxiliary-Captain Helen, Wesley, Murray, Phil and Doug and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Graham’s life will be held on Friday 1 December 2023 at 10:30am at The Salvation Army, Batemans Bay Corps NSW.

Major Cliff Randall was promoted to glory on Friday 17 November 2023, aged 79. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Major Marina Randall, Graeme and Chris, Bryan and Ros, Andrew and Natalie and Debra and Trent and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Cliff’s life will be held on Monday 27 November at 2.30pm at The Salvation Army, Macarthur Corps, Smeaton Grange NSW.

Lieut.-Colonel Mae Kinder was promoted to glory on Friday 27 October 2023. Our love and prayers, along with our heartfelt sympathy, cover and surround Majors Paul and Romona, Bernice and Albyn, Majors Lindon and Cheryl, Mez (Merrilyn) and Frank, their children, extended families and Mae’s brother, Major Erle Ruse. We also cover the grandchildren, Daniel, Leah, Emily, Laurina, Joshua, Kirilee, Jackson, Eliza, Steph and Jamie, and great-grandchildren Jireh, Shiloh, and Chase. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Mae’s life was held on Thursday 9 November 2023.

Major Violet Brown was promoted to glory on Friday 3 November 2023. Our love and prayers, along with our heartfelt sympathy, cover and surround her sisters Beryl Brown and Alma Ring and niece Heather Wilson and nephew-in- law Major Stan Wilson, their families, and extended families. ‌A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Violet’s life was held on Wednesday 8 November 2023.

Major Loretta Allison was promoted to glory on Saturday 15 October, aged 80. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround her brother Robert.

Major Marjorie Doran was promoted to glory on Wednesday 18 October aged 94. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround her niece Glenys Ferguson and Geoff, Trevor and San and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Marjorie’s life was held on Friday 27 October at 2pm at The Chapel at Regis Inala Village, Box Hill South, Melbourne.

Captain Bronwyn Lithgow was promoted to glory on Sunday 24 September 2023, aged 51. Our love and prayers with our heartfelt sympathy cover Captain Perry and their children, Joshua, Zachary and Becka and the extended family and friends in their time of loss and grief.

Major Val Ferrett was promoted to glory on Wednesday 27 September 2023, aged 93. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover her sister Barbara Williams and Major Helen Newman.

‌‌Major Christine Cutts was promoted to glory on Sunday 17 September 2023 aged 92. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Raelene and Warren Hodge, Christine (Anne) and Kevin (deceased) Allen, Lynley (Deceased) and Roy Perese and their families. Christine was blessed with seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Christine is also survived by her sister Captain Merrilyn and brother-in-law Malcom Cowper-Furlong. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Christine’s life was held on Wednesday 27 September at The Salvation Army, Bentleigh Corps, Victoria.

Major Gwen Gray was promoted to glory on Sunday 17 September 2023 aged 91. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Majors Wendy and Peter Spindler, Christine and Michael Lord, Anne Dodd, and their families. Gwen was blessed with nine grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Gwen’s was held on Friday 29 September at Mackay Family Funerals, Ourimbah, NSW.

Major Meryl Turner was promoted to glory on Monday 4 September, aged 75. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Jo-Ann, Bart (aka Craig) and Nadine, and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Meryl’s life will be held on Tuesday 19 September at 10am at The Salvation Army, Ingle Farm, SA.

‌Major Gloria Andrew was promoted to glory on Tuesday 5 September, aged 90. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Linda and Kevin Bell, Natasha Bell and Adrian Bell, Travis Bell, and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Gloria’s life will be held on Thursday 14 September at Sand Hill Aged Care Facility, South Launceston, Tasmania.

Major Faith Leavy was promoted to glory on Friday 25 August 2023 aged 89 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Raymond and Carol Leavy, Glenda Smith and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Faith’s life will be held on Tuesday 5 September at 2pm at Le Pine Chapel, Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, Victoria. The Live Streaming Link for the service is HERE

Major Elaine Sanders was promoted to glory on Monday 31 August 2023 aged 96. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Lois and Terry, Nola and Roy, Janet and Ben, and their families. Elaine had 13 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, 4 great great grandchildren and Major Di Jarvey (granddaughter). A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Elaine’s life will be held on Saturday 19 August at 10am at Seaforth Gardens Aged Care Centre Chapel, 2542 Albany Hwy, Gosnells WA 6110. The service will not be live streamed.

Major Maureen Littlechild was promoted to glory on Thursday 17 July 2023 aged 81 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover Amanda, Brendan, Nathan and their families. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Maureen’s life was held on Wednesday 2 August.

Lieut-Colonel Ruth Jessop, her husband Lieut-Colonel Derrick at her side, was promoted to glory on Wednesday 5 July 2023. Lieut-Colonel Derrick, Major Vera Hall (sister) and all the family are surrounded by our love, prayers and heartfelt sympathy at this tender time. No funeral or Thanksgiving service will be held as this was the request of the ever-gracious and humble Ruth.

Major Alan Drayton was promoted to glory on Thursday morning 29 June 2023. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Major Bev, Stephen and Paula, Andrew and Cheryl, Derek and Angela, Jenni and Jason; their 10 grandchildren and great-granddaughter. A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Alan’s life will be held on Tuesday 11 July 2023 at 2pm at Hope Point Church 42a Beale Street Georges Hall, NSW.

Major Lillian Henderson was promoted to glory on Friday 9 June 2023, aged 81. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Heather, Karen and Mark and all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren Yonah, Ebony, Lachlan, McCrae, Hayden, Madison, Logan and Maggie-Beth. A Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Lillian’s life was held on Monday 19 June.

Major Margaret Ellice Diplock, affectionately known as Ella, was promoted to glory on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Anna Thomas, Ella’s twin sister, Rita Diplock and Stanley Diplock. A Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Ella’s was held Friday 23 June 2023 at The Salvation Army, Capricorn Region Church, North Rockhampton.

Major Lyall Reese was promoted to glory on Tuesday 30 May 2023, aged 73. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Major Susan, Kathryn and Evan, Andrea and Yeboah, Carl and Erin, and all the grandchildren. A Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Lyall’s life was held on Tuesday 6 June at The Salvation Army, Nambour Corps.

Captain Elsie Colling was promoted to glory on Saturday 3 June 2023 aged 92. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround the Stanley Family and Majors John and Wanda McKeand. A Thanksgiving and Celebration of Captain Elsie’s life was held on Saturday 10 June 2023 at Ivan Butler Funeral Home, Klemzig, SA.

Major Alma England was promoted to glory on Tuesday 16 May 2023, aged 92. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Jenni and Christian, David and Lisa, Norm and Chie, Philip and all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren Jasmine, Joshua and Caleb; Jarrod and Cameron; Nicole; Holly, Benjamin and Kelsey; Ella and Max; Lexi, Taya and Imogen; Zoe, Cooper and Ashleigh; Ada and Delilah, Rylen; and Fletcher. A Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Alma’s life will be held at 10:30am on Monday 29 May 2023 at The Salvation Army, Hobson Bay Corps, Altona, Victoria.

Major Jean Smart was promoted to glory on Monday 22 May 2023 aged 96. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Paul (Son in Law), Mavis (sister) and all the grandchildren – Lesley and Phil, Keith and Liisa, Alison and Shaun and great-grandchildren, Taylah and Willow, Mia and Lylah and Inessa. A Service of Thanksgiving & Celebration of Jean’s life will be held at 11am on Wednesday 31 May 2023 at The Salvation Army, Camberwell Corps, Victoria.

Lieut-Colonel Judith Jeffrey was promoted to glory on Sunday 30 April 2023, aged 75. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Lieut-Colonel John Jeffrey, Majors Lance and Anne Jeffrey, Kristy-Anne and Reece Adnams, all the grandchildren, Thomas and Mary, Emily, Faith, Chloe and Zara, and great-granddaughter Elora. A Celebration of Thanksgiving was held on Tuesday 9 May 2023 at The Salvation Army, Box Hill Corps.

Major Kevin Grigsbey was promoted to glory on Tuesday 11 April 2023, aged 78 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Major Lynne Grigsbey and the family.

Major Christine Agnew was promoted to glory on Thursday 16 March 2023, aged 71 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Karen, Linda, Scott and Lisa, Auxiliary Lieutenant Vaughan and Candidate Helper Amanda, Major Vicki McMahon (sister) and all the grandchildren Caellum, Jasmine, Hayden and Megan. A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Christine’s life was held at 1pm on Thursday 23 March at The Salvation Army, Preston Corps, Victoria.

Lieut-Colonel Noela Dawkins was promoted to glory on Tuesday 21 March 2023, aged 85 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Lyndon, Peter, Kevan and Astrid, Joanne and all her grandchildren Caleb and Hayley, Nathanael, Isaiah, and Azael. A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Lieut. Colonel Noela’s life was held at 2pm on Friday 31 March at The Salvation Army, Stafford Corps, Hayward Street, Brisbane.

Major Winifred Barker was promoted to glory on Thursday 23 March 2023, aged 89 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Major Cedric, her children: Silvy Young, Major Bunita Pittaway, Honie Head, Mikel and Rasa Azure. Major Winifred’s funeral was a private family service held on Friday 31 March 2023. A Praise and Thanksgiving Service was held at 1pm on Saturday 22 April at The Salvation Army, Ringwood Corps, 53 Wantirna Road, Ringwood.

Major Maureen Rawlings was promoted to glory on Saturday 4 March 2023, aged 77 years. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy covers and surrounds Majors Belinda and David Davis, Natalie and Carl Roddam, Major Angela Rawlings, Major Margaret Garratt (sister), and all the grandchildren. A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Maureen’s life was held at 1.30pm on Thursday 9 March at The Salvation Army, Marion Corps, 155 Sturt Road, Seacombe Gardens, SA.

Lieut. Colonel Betty Spikin was peacefully promoted to glory on Tuesday 28 February 2023. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy covers and surrounds Kerryn and Warwick, Brenda, Harvey and Janet, and all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Lieut.-Colonel Betty’s life will be held at 2pm on Thursday 9 March at The Salvation Army, Waverley Temple Corps, 958 High Street Road, Glen Waverley, Victoria.

Major Judith Douglas was promoted to glory on Saturday 25 February 2023. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Major Robert (Bob), Jeffrey, Bruce, Paul, Earle, their respective partners and all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Major Judith’s life was held on Friday 3 March 2023 at Burstow Funeral Chapel, 1020 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350.

Lieut.-Colonel Sonja Southwell was peacefully promoted to glory on Friday 17 February 2023. Our love and prayers along with our heartfelt sympathy cover and surround Lieut. Colonel Ian; Sharon, Greg Restall and his son Zac; Jenni, and Sue Coleman, Cathy and Major Darren Elkington, Stephanie and Nathan; extended family and friends. A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration of Lieut-Colonel Sonja’s life was held at Ringwood Corps on Thursday 23 February 2023.

Major Gladys Walters was promoted to glory on Monday 23 January 2023. Our love, prayers and heartfelt sympathy are extended to Stan and Val, Maxwell, Colonels Rodney and Wendy, Janita and Greg, their families and friends. The Thanksgiving and Celebration of Life Service will be held on Thursday 9 February at 9.30am at The Salvation Army, Bundamba Corps, QLD.

Major Eileen Bailey was promoted to glory on Thursday 26 January 2023. Our love, prayers and heartfelt sympathy are extended to, Major Christine Atkinson and Captain Keith, Gwen and Captain Phil Sharp and Merilyn and Robert Morgan, their families, extended family and friends. The Thanksgiving and Celebration of Life Service was held on Friday 3 February at 11:30am at The Salvation Army, Taree Corps, NSW.

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