• Pray for Pakistan Territory
Each week throughout 2025, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
The focus territory/region shares prayer requests to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This week (6-12 January), we are praying for the Pakistan Territory.
The territory is made up of 41,158 senior soldiers, 3,599 adherents and 9312 junior soldiers. There are 134 corps, 380 outposts/societies, 467 officers (350 active and 117 retired), 1 Aux-captain, 22 cadets and 125 employees.
Please pray for the territory’s strategic priorities:
• Financial sustainability. We have moved towards financial independence and sustainability by promoting stewardship (including tithing) among our people, by careful financial management and by promoting enterprise skills at the community level.
• Discipleship. We are engaged in theological education development at all levels to equip soldiers and officers. We want prayers for spiritual revival in The Salvation Army in Pakistan as so many unregistered denominations are confusing our soldiery.
• Growth. We are looking to open new corps, societies, outposts and community service centres. Please pray for the new physical rehabilitation centre we are working towards opening.
• Relationships. We have developed new and existing relationships with government officials and with other churches at both divisional and territorial levels.
• Leader development. We have developed officers through effective succession planning, leader development and refresher courses.
• Commissioning. In April, 15 cadets from the Champions of Mission session will be commissioned.
• The General’s visit. May wisdom, clarity, and unity guide all decisions and actions leading up to General Lyndon Buckingham’s visit to the Pakistan Territory in April.
For more information on the Pakistan Territory, click here.
For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2025, and to download the calendar, click here.