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• NSW volunteers rally in WA

Gavin and Linda (yellow shirts) with Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas (white shirt) and other volunteers and dignitaries at the Wanneroo depot.

When a series of large bushfires hit parts of Western Australia throughout November, The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) Coordinator for WA, Ben Day, put the call out across the country for experienced support.

Two people who put their hands up straight away were SAES volunteers Gavin and Linda from NSW. They jumped on a plane at short notice to assist Salvation Army Emergency Services crews in WA.

“Gavin and Linda assisted for a number of days supporting the Wanneroo bushfire incident before leading up the team to feed the families who had been evacuated to the Bullsbrook Recovery Centre,” Ben said.

Volunteers Gavin and Linda at the Malaga depot where they supported WA crews during the bushfire emergency.

“Fortunately, things started to settle down, and we were able to give Gavin and Linda a tour of our operations and share knowledge of our working relationship with DFES (Department of Fire and Emergency Services) and tour our depots.

“[It was] an early start to the season, but we take comfort in knowing that we can call on Gavin and Linda again if needed to support our operations.”

State and federal support

At the height of the bushfire situation, state and federal ministers and leaders toured the Wanneroo bushfire control point to speak with Salvation Army staff and volunteers, and local firefighters.

They listened to stories and offered their support for the emergency relief and recovery efforts.

Among the dignitaries were Darren Klemm AFSM (Fire & Emergency Services Commissioner), Hon. Matt Keogh MP (Minister for Veterans Affairs’, Minister for Defence Personnel), Hon. Stephen Dawson (Minister for Emergency Services), Hon. Roger Cook (Premier of Western Australia) and Hon. Sabine Winton (Member for Wanneroo). There was also a representative from Bunnings.

Click on slideshow below for more photos from the Wanneroo depot:


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