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Meet the officer – Lieut. Beola Conteh

1. What is your current appointment, and what do you find most satisfying?

I am currently a corps officer/team member at Cairns Corps in Far North Queensland. My current appointment is in the youth and children’s ministry. One of the things I find most satisfying is making a tangible difference in young people’s lives. I also teach moral values, ethics and spiritual principles, which I think will help young people develop a strong moral compass and a sense of right and wrong. One important thing that makes me satisfied is that children and youth can seek guidance, find mentors, and receive encouragement during challenging times. By investing in the younger generation, these ministries contribute to the overall improvement of the community as children and youth grow into responsible, contributing adults.

2. Away from the appointment – if that’s possible! – what do you do to relax or unwind?

Monday is my off day. I usually go for a walk, garden and cook. I love cooking and will try some new recipes. I watch movies with my hubby, and sometimes we explore different places. I do rest too.

3. What’s a favourite Christian song, and why do you like it?

My favourite song is Goodness of God – it reflects experiencing God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout my life and connecting deeply with my faith. It also serves as a personal devotion and reflection tool, allowing me to meditate on God’s goodness in my private worship times. It also serves as a personal devotion and reflection tool, allowing me to meditate on God’s goodness in my private worship. It provides encouragement and hope, reminding me of God’s unwavering presence and support in all circumstances. Singing this song in a worship service setting fosters a sense of unity and shared experience among worshippers, strengthening the community bond. It reminds me of God’s blessing and inspires me to live my faith confidently and joyfully.


“Becoming a Salvation Army officer is a noble and impactful path. It’s a journey of faith, service and community.”


4. If you could have a good talk with a biblical character apart from Jesus, who would it be and what would you talk about?

Apostle Paul was a pivotal figure in early Christianity whose transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a passionate apostle highlights his profound encounter with Christ. His character is marked by zeal, intellect, resilience, compassion, humility and theological depth, making him a cornerstone of Christian theology and history.


5. If you were talking to a group of Salvationists and they asked if you recommended officership or not, what would you say?

Officership is not easy, but it is an incredible journey. It is a multifaceted and demanding role that combines spiritual leadership, community service and administrative duties. It requires a high level of dedication, adaptability and compassion but offers the profound reward of making a significant difference in the lives of those in need. You experience personal and spiritual growth and be part of a global mission with eternal significance. Becoming a Salvation Army officer is a noble and impactful path. It’s a journey of faith, service and community. If you feel called to this role, it can be one of the most rewarding ways to serve God and humanity.

   – Interview conducted by Lerisse Smith     


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