Meet the Officer – Captain Min Oh

1. What is your current appointment, and what do you find most satisfying about it?
Along with my wife Sunny, I have been appointed to Sale Corps in Victoria as the Corps Officer since 2022. The corps is located in eastern Victoria and celebrated its 140th anniversary in 2024, which means The Salvation Army has been serving the community with the love of Jesus for more than 140 years. The Gippsland area has the second highest rate of domestic violence in Victoria, and it is a privilege to work with other non-profit organisations alongside vulnerable people. It is also a regional area where local churches are connected and have a good relationship in the kingdom of God. So, most of the churches are used to host combined services throughout the year, such as cross marching at Good Friday, a Christmas parade and Christmas carols. Sale Corps has been trying to engage with the community through Doorways, a community lunch, a Bible study and Sunday service to support and help out in the aspects of spiritual, emotional and physical growth to deliver holistic mission. I find the area where The Salvation Army officers are able to find God’s passion for people is in regional areas because wilderness consists of two Hebrew words – a place and God’s Word. Sale Corps is a remote area and sometimes I feel that I am in the wilderness. However, God turns the wilderness into the place where I am able to hear the word of God.
2. Away from the appointment – if that’s possible! – what do you do to relax or unwind?
I like to step out of the busyness. I enjoy spending time with Sunny and our two kids and hanging around the regional area. There are many beautiful beaches and mountains. I love sitting in a small café to unwind from the role of corps officer. Also, when I go home, I am used to walking home. While I am walking, it is time to have quality time with God and reflect on the day I have spent with others.
3. What’s a favourite Christian song, and why do you like it?
Of course, I like most Christian songs, but one song that came into my mind was ‘Way Maker’. The song is played in the Sunday service. The reason I like the song is that God is the way maker in the wilderness, the stream maker in the dryland, and a promise keeper. And God is working and moving for us even though we may not feel God is working or that God is being with us. Living as a corps officer, sometimes I feel that I am working in the darkness, but the reason I can keep going through the darkness is that God is the light in the darkness.
4. If you could have a good talk with a biblical character apart from Jesus, who would it be and what would you talk about?
Among the characters in the Bible, I would like to recommend is the Apostle Paul. As a result, I often read Paul’s letters when I read the Bible. If the four Gospels in the New Testament are a record of Jesus’ teachings about what the gospel is, Paul’s letters can be said to be a guidebook that tells us how to live our faith as Christians. In addition, he explains the meaning of the gospel in an easy and logical way. I believe that through these letters of Paul, we can form our values about how to live as Christians who have experienced the love of Christ. What is great about him is that he wrote 13 Canons and still influences many people even though he did not meet and work with Jesus.
5. If you were talking to a group of Salvationist and they asked if you recommended officership or not, what would you say?
I would recommend officership in The Salvation Army. This is what I have been doing since I became an officer and meeting people other than Australians. In my perspective, The Salvation Army represents what the ministers would be. As Paul said in Philippians 4:11-12: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” What I am trying to say is The Salvation Army supports and provides whatever the officer needs, and all we need to do is to fight alongside with others in the frontline of the spiritual warfare. Wherever we are sent, and whatever we do, God will provide and be with us through The Salvation Army. All the officers need to do is to fix their eyes on the cross and share the cross to the world. I highly recommend it.