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Meet the officer – Aux-Lieutenant Roderick Brown

1. What is your current appointment and what do you find most satisfying about it? 

I am currently the Corps Officer at Launceston Corps, serving with my wife, Kelly, who is focused on Community Engagement and chaplaincy. There are a number of rewarding things in the role, one of which is the ways we see community coming together and being empowered. A lot of what we do is aimed at community support and assistance, but there’s also those missional opportunities that arise that step into more of a community development space, which is the area I find most satisfying. Helping people to realise the assets and strengths they do have and what they can contribute. Working alongside others in such ways also brings great opportunities to share faith and Jesus as we work and do life together.

2. Away from the appointment – if that’s possible! – what do you do to relax or unwind? 

I love to get out on the ocean and do some fishing, particularly on the East Coast of Tasmania around the Freycinet area – while not getting the opportunity as much as I’d like to, we usually spend a couple of weeks following Christmas each year doing that, which is also great family time. Reading is another thing I enjoy in my own time, along with walking and being out in nature – there’s plenty of great short walks in Tasmania that are on offer. I’m a musician, so sitting down at the piano just playing and worshipping is perhaps my favourite way to relax. Then there is the discovery of new cafés that I haven’t visited and sampling their almond latte and maybe a bakery treat!

3. What’s a favourite Christian song, and why do you like it? 

I’ll say my favourite at the moment (as I like to keep up with listening to the latest releases from Christian artists and groups) is ‘Follow’ by Melodie Malone (Passion). The lyrics speak so strongly to being a disciple and follower of Jesus. I especially am impacted by the lyric “What an honour to choose surrender …” Often, we think of our surrender to Christ in terms of the sacrifice it brings, and the words of Jesus in Scripture, of course, speak to that. But what an honour and privilege it also is that the Holy and Sovereign God invites us into relationship with him and choosing to fully surrender to his will, ways and plans for our life.

4. If you could have a good talk with a biblical character apart from Jesus, who would it be, and what would you talk about?


That’s a hard choice to pick just one! Let’s say the Apostle John. There is his statement that the world would not have room for all the books if everything Jesus did was written down – so tell me more! There’s the vision he received recorded in Revelation – where would you start? And we know John was an eyewitness to the crucifixion. So, there would be lots to ask and talk about and contemplate.

5. If you were talking to a group of Salvationists and they asked if you recommended officership or not, what would you say? 

My immediate answer would be ‘No’ ... because the work is often challenging, the hours long, and it can bring significant sacrifices to family life – no one in their logical mind would choose to do this role. But, of course, I need to qualify that because, as we would know, it’s all about calling. If someone senses they are called by God to ministry as an officer and that is confirmed in seeking the Spirit and the wise counsel of trusted people, then do it! You’ll experience the fullness of peace, blessing and joy that God desires to shower upon you, and indeed others through the work of the Spirit in us, in spite of the challenges that the role brings. As has been mentioned above, what an honour it is to choose full surrender to him!

*Interview by Lerisse Smith




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