Let there be ...

The Church worldwide is experiencing a creative renaissance, with renewed interest in developing innovative, out-of-the-box ways of sharing the love of Jesus through music and the arts.
There was a time when the Church led the way in creativity with architecture, fine art, music and sculpture – but in many ways, it has lagged behind in responding creatively to a world experiencing hardship and injustice.
The Salvation Army has a rich heritage in music, film and other creative expressions. Because of this, Worship Arts Australia feel this is a poignant moment in time where we need to rediscover our creative roots and bridge the deficit the Church is experiencing in the discipline of the arts.
God, the ultimate ‘maker,’ created our world from nothing. He used three spoken words “Let there be …” and life on Earth was the result, with all its diversity of creatures, wonder and beauty.
It is becoming clear that God is restoring the value of creativity within the Church, and that’s why the National Creative Arts Camp, to be held in January 2024, aims to connect, champion and encourage young creatives to reach their potential and make a missional impact in the corps and communities in which they live and serve.
Exciting stuff happens when a group of young creatives get together – we saw this at the first National Creative Arts Camp held earlier this year at Milson Island on the Hawkesbury River in NSW. Collaborative efforts took shape, passions were ignited, skills shared, opportunities were created, and dreams realised.
NCAC creates an environment where youth and young adult creatives can network with like-minded creatives from across the country who are tackling similar challenges, and it enables them to journey and grow together – both in the honing of their craft and nurturing their spiritual life. We’ve heard many stories of our young people growing in confidence and coming alive with ministry opportunities opening up and churches and communities impacted through their NCAC experience.
“Exciting stuff happens when a group of young creatives get together.”
Worship Arts Australia firmly believes that creative communication is critical to the effective sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and as creatives are empowered and encouraged within the body of Christ, it will usher in the renewal of our movement and enable people to encounter Jesus.
With many creative streams on offer, led by some of the most accomplished leaders in The Salvation Army, youth and young adults will take a new creative vitality back to their corps. This leap of creativity will add to a corps’ existing ‘gathered worship’ as well as spark new ‘communities of hope’ and ‘community tables’ that they become involved in.
We have a growing list of young people keen to attend the camp, but as many struggling artists will tell you, the $395 registration fee is the only barrier to their participation. So, I conclude this article with three questions:
1. Can you identify creatives aged 15 to 30 in your corps family or sphere of influence who would relish this leadership development and creative opportunity?
- Encourage them to register.
2. Would you bless the next generation of creatives by sponsoring one or more delegates to the camp?
- Follow the same registration link and choose the sponsor option at step 3.
3. Are you a corps outside of Victoria with young creatives who need to be at this camp? Can you cover the $200 travel gap so your young people can take advantage of this opportunity?
- Have your young people register and choose the pay-by-corps option.
The National Creative Arts Camp will take place on 14-20 January at Blampied in Victoria, culminating in a concert presentation at Brimbank Salvos on Saturday 20 January.
To register or sponsor delegates, click here