Jordan uses his creative gift to brighten Foster House in Sydney

A tough start in life. Making a decision to thrive rather than survive. Getting help on the recovery journey. Arriving at a good place both physically and psychologically. This all sounds like a stereotypical recovery story, but every story has a unique perspective.
Jordan’s journey encompasses a strong artistic element that is now showcased at Foster House, The Salvation Army’s Inner City Homelessness Service in Surry Hills, Sydney.
Not only was Jordan commissioned to create a painting to welcome visitors to the Foster House reception area, but also present his other works for sale at the upcoming Inner-City Art Expo on 8 August.
“Nobody taught me how to paint, but my older sister was an inspiration for me,” Jordan said. “We would tell each other how cool their work was.”
Jordan now offers that inspiration to others through an art workshop he runs at a local refuge.
“I knew I had potential,” Jordan said. “This is all coming together because I got my life together.”
“A few years ago, I had no hope, but I made a decision to end the cycle and surrender to God ... It’s only gonna get better and better, with God by our side we can achieve such greatness.”
While at Foster House, Jordan noticed that “the hallways were a bit bare and dull”. Thinking they could do with a bit of colour, Jordan suggested some artwork would provide a lift. Knowing his artistic interest, he was asked to create a painting for the lobby.
Jordan said he worked on the lettering first, added The Salvation Army shield, and then painted around it. “I usually listen to music, and just enjoy doing whatever comes to my mind,” Jordan said. “I also like to create my own hip-hop music as another artistic outlet.”
Jordan has transitioned out of Foster House, but maintains a connection there for support, and Street Media at Oasis Youth Network as a creative outlet.

The Inner-City Art Expo in August at Foster House has garnered artistic works from The Salvation Army program participants, including regional services and Indigenous art.
“We want to showcase people’s talents and create an opportunity for them to sell their work,” said Marnie Lamb, Foster House Case Manager, who has supported Jordan in his journey out of homelessness and championed his artistic endeavours. “The Art Expo will bring together the local community and highlight the artistic abilities of people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.”
“A few years ago, I had no hope, but I made a decision to end the cycle and surrender to God,” Jordan said. “Good things are coming, and I know I can develop a career if I stick on the path of recovery and keep progressing every day with my creativity.
“It’s only gonna get better and better, with God by our side we can achieve such greatness – it may take time, it may take everything you have but by staying faithful and consistent, nothing is impossible.”