• International Day of the Girl

Today (11 October) marks The United Nations International Day of the Girl. It’s an annual observation held to promote girls’ empowerment and highlight the challenges girls face worldwide and is supported globally by The Salvation Army.
Globally, women and girls continue to face systemic oppression and violence and are devalued, disrespected and undermined. Some progress is being made, but deep challenges remain.
The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, “Now more than ever, we must renew our commitment to work together so that girls enjoy and exercise their rights and can play a full and equal part in their communities and societies. Investing in girls is investing in our common future.”
The Salvation Army stands for equity and equality in every sphere of life for all people. Around the world, the Salvos continue to fight against injustice and give a voice to those who have been silenced.
To read stories from Salvation Army women around the world who are overcoming difficulty with faith, hope and determination, click here.
To mark this day, The Salvation Army Youth and Children’s and Women’s Ministries teams are focusing on girls’ rights, leadership and wellbeing. For stories and calls to action, check out the Army’s international Facebook page, here.
To join The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission for an online event commemorating the International Day of the Girl, click here.