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Holiness – A piece of cake!?

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, living a holy life is a 'piece of cake' says Major Anita Caldwell. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Cake is something we enjoy and often eat at celebrations. There is nothing more delicious than a homemade chocolate cake with homemade peanut butter icing. Hopefully, you are already tasting its deliciousness!

In the 1930s, the Royal Air Force coined the phrase ‘piece of cake’ to describe missions that were easy to accomplish. When we complete a task, we say, “Oh, that was a piece of cake”, meaning that it was easy to finish.

We do not consider holiness or holy living a piece of cake. Instead, we make a list of reasons why it is impossible. How can holy living be something expected of me in today’s world? Why would I even pursue holiness? If I tried, what would be the difference?

Why we want to believe holiness is impossible and embrace the following reasons:

1.         We all sin every day!

2.         We are human and get angry.

3.         God is holy, but we cannot be holy.

4.         Only senior saints might be holy.

5.         Only those approved by the church as saints are holy.

6.         We can only be holy once we reach heaven.

7.         Holy living is about the list of things that we must do or not do.

Why is there an expectation of holy living?

In 1 Peter 1:16 (New International Version), God sets us on one mission: “Be holy, because I am holy.”  We are quick to respond with our list of why this is impossible and not really an expectation for us. However, the verb ‘be’ in Greek is in the present tense. Therefore, God is asking us to be holy, set apart from the world and surrendered.

With this understanding, we accept the mission, but it is not a ‘piece of cake’ in our own power. In fact, it is not possible in our own strength.

May I introduce to you the Holy Spirit?

In John 14:16, we see that because of his death and resurrection, he sent the Holy Spirit to teach, convict, comfort and guide us. John 14:15-17 says that he will be “in” us. John 14:26 says that he will teach us. John 15:26 says that he will testify to us. John 16:13 says that the Holy Spirit will guide us. John 16:7-8 says that he will convict us. Various translations identify the Holy Spirit in John 14:16 as our helper, advocate, counsellor and comforter.

We have friends who walk with us through life. They are few, but we know them. They help us, stand up for us, counsel us and comfort us when we need them. They are honest with us and guide us to stay on a good path. When we are discouraged, they encourage us. We trust them.

Why would we not trust the Holy Spirit? He is the One who is powerful and sent by Jesus to us specifically for the purpose of guiding us on this holy walk. He is the one who empowers us from within – we only need to hear and obey his voice.

What are the results of this holy walk?

Galatians 5:22-23 gives us the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Can we have these fruits on our own? No, we will fail every time. Can we walk holy by the power of the Holy Spirit? Yes! To do so, we just take time for him to show us and teach us. Invite his conviction. Ask him which fruit of the Spirit he would like to restore. He is not trying to hurt us, discourage us or take from us. His small voice will guide us all the way to heaven.

The Holy Spirit makes walking in holy love a piece of cake because he is with you to convict, teach and guide you each step towards heaven!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 also gives us the fruit of godly love: suffers long, kindness, no envy, no pride, not easily provoked, no evil thoughts, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Once again, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what he wants to restore in your life.

As a young Christian, envy and pride kept showing up in my life. Finally, once I surrendered my whole life to him and he cleansed me, I no longer wanted the biggest piece of pie, nor did I think I should receive it. What freedom I found!

What about our excuses?

1.         We all sin every day!  In John 8:11, Jesus said to the woman in adultery, “Go and sin no more.” He then sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and guide us. In his power, we can say “no” to sin. In fact, we have no desire to go against a loving God.

2.         We are human and get angry. In Ephesians 4:26-27, Paul reminds us that we will get angry but that we should quickly settle the disagreement.

3.         God is holy, but we cannot be holy. Would a holy God ask us to do something impossible? The Holy Spirit came to dwell in us and guide us in this way. To be holy is to be set apart for God.

4.         Only senior saints might be holy. Seniors can be close to God, but they also must make a daily choice to be close to God every day.

5.         Only those approved by the church as saints are holy. Unfortunately, religion and the church will not make one holy.

6.         We can only be holy once we reach heaven. When God asks us to be holy, it is a call for today. Heaven will be a wonderful place free of temptation. Until then, the Holy Spirit walks with us on this holy journey.

7.         Holy living is not about the list of things that we must do or not do. God is not looking for the list. He knows our hearts, and he is looking for a heart transformed by the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, is walking with your best friend a piece of cake? Yes! You trust your best friend! The Holy Spirit makes walking in holy love a piece of cake because he is with you to convict, teach and guide you each step towards heaven! This is being set apart for God. No rules, just freedom in Christ.

This is your mission: walk in holiness and let the Holy Spirit empower you today!

*Major Anita Caldwell is a retired Salvation Army officer from the USA Southern Territory. Throughout her officership, Anita has served in corps, RHQs, THQs and teaching appointments, including several years in the Eastern Europe Territory in leadership and principal roles. She was also an area commander, senior Kroc officer and Director of Curriculum at The Salvation Army Evangeline Booth College. Anita is the author of Holiness Alive, Holiness and the Hymns: Daily Devotions for Holy Living, and the children’s book Sarah the Cat . . . and Jesus: Teaching Your Children and Grandchildren to Listen to the Voice of The Holy Spirit. Anita has also been a guest writer for The Salvation Army devotional Words of Life.


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