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High Council elects 22nd General of The Salvation Army

General-Elect Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham are the new international leaders of The Salvation Army.
General-Elect Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham are the new international leaders of The Salvation Army.

Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham has been elected the 22nd General of The Salvation Army.

The High Council in London elected Commissioner Buckingham, after he and the other three candidates – Commissioner Merle Heatwole (Territorial Commander, Latin America North), Commissioner Kenneth Hodder (National Commander, United States of America) and Colonel Diana Macdonald (Territorial Commander, Pakistan Territory) – delivered their speeches.

General-Elect Buckingham and his wife, Commissioner Bronwyn, are originally from the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory. They have served as officers since they were commissioned in 1990 as members of the Ambassadors for Christ session.

Lyndon has served as the Chief of the Staff since 2018. Bronwyn has served as the World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development since January 2021 (previously she served as World Secretary for Women’s Ministries).

General-Elect Buckingham will assume office as General on 3 August 2023.

Announcement made

Commissioner Ted Bailey, President of the High Council, made the announcement to the High Council last night (AEST): “It is my absolute pleasure and honour to be able to announce to the international Salvation Army family and beyond and beyond and beyond that the 2023 High Council has elected a new general,” said “Your new General-Elect is Lyndon Buckingham.

Commissioner Yusak Tampai, 2023 High Council chaplain (Territorial Commander, Indonesia Territory), prayed and read from the Bible before welcoming General-Elect Buckingham to the microphone.

General-Elect Lyndon Buckingham leads a session at the High Council over the past week.
General-Elect Lyndon Buckingham leads a session at the High Council over the past week.

“I want to say this afternoon, how grateful I am to the Lord for his saving grace in my own life,” said General-Elect Buckingham. “I'm grateful to the members of the High Council for listening and hearing the voice of the Lord and for their support of myself and Bronwyn as we get ready to assume these leadership responsibilities.

“We love the mission of The Salvation Army. We believe passionately that Jesus is the hope of the world. We are so grateful and humbled to have an opportunity to serve in this way, and we have already made a promise to the members of the High Council that we will serve wholeheartedly the mission of The Salvation Army and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

“We will do so with humility, with grace, and with courage, and we know that we are supported and surrounded by great leaders, soldiers, adherence and supporters all around the world, and together, together we will carry the mission of The Salvation Army forward. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your prayers over this place and these proceedings, all glory to God, and let's get ready for the next chapter. God bless you.”

Beautiful moments of prayer were then shared with the Buckinghams. Of special significance was the first blessing and prayer shared in the Māori language by New Zealanders in the chamber to honour the people of their homeland.

For more information on General-Elect Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, click here.

For detailed content from the High Council, click here

You can also check out the ‘High Council 2023’ and ‘The Salvation Army International’ Facebook pages.

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