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• Global Prayer: New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa

Australian officers and territorial leaders, Commissioners Julie (left) and Mark Campbell, with youth from Fiji during the country's 50th anniversary of The Salvation Army celebration in December 2023.

Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.


Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory or region to help us pray with precision and power for one another. 

This week we are praying for the Pray for New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory.

Australian officers Commissioners Julie and Mark Campbell are the territorial leaders of this territory – Julie is the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, and Mark is the Territorial Commander.

(From left): Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, General Lyndon Buckingham, President of Fiji, his Excellency Ratu Williame Maivalili Katonivere, and Commissioners Julie and Mark Campbell during the General's visit for Fiji's 50th anniversary.

Whole territory

Praise: We give thanks that God is doing a good work in our Recovery Churches, which are flourishing and seeing people connect deeper in their faith. There has also been an upturn in attendance at worship services across the territory.

Prayer: For guidance and wisdom as the territory continues to work through its Sustainability Roadmap. Ensuring that we are being good stewards of our resources to fulfil our vision and mission and to see greater mission impact for the Kingdom of God.

New Zealand

Praise: We give thanks to God for the relatively smooth transition to our new Local Mission Delivery and Connected Support Network Model that has been rolled out in New Zealand this year.

Prayer: For more candidates for 2025. We desire to see more people respond to the call of God on their lives for fulltime service.



For the increase in discipleship, soldiership and community impact since the 50th Anniversary Celebrations in December 2023.

Prayer: Discernment and funding for an appropriate response to the ever-growing drug use, trafficking problem and homelessness issues, particularly for children in Fiji. Read more: Street kids turn to meth in Fiji as drug spreads - youth worker (


Praise: For the lives changed and enriched at the recent Amplify Creative Arts Camp. Over 60 young people gathered to deepen their faith and learn new ways to express their worship and love for God.

Prayer: New premises are required urgently for the Regional Headquarters and Alcohol and Drug Awareness Centre, as their rental agreement is coming to an end shortly.


Praise: For our recent Women’s Ministry Market Day, which was a great opportunity to reach out to our neighbours and the surrounding community.

Prayer: For the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting being held in Samoa in October. This event will bring a boost to Samoa’s economy but will also be a time of challenge for families in the community with schools closed and many services reduced including within The Salvation Army.


For more information about the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory, click here.


For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and to download the calendar, click here.




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