• Formal poverty submission

The Salvation Army’s Policy and Advocacy team recently made a formal submission to the inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia.
The Salvation Army believes that poverty is not to be defined as an income level, but as a broader situation where a person is not having their basic needs met because of financial constraints. These basic needs are things like shelter, health and the ability to participate.
The submission includes 40 recommendations from The Salvation Army made for Senate Community Affairs References Committee to consider. Out of the 40, recommendations listed in the submission include:
The commonwealth government establishes a clear body or cabinet position with the accountability to progress toward ending poverty.
An immediate increase of jobseeker and youth allowance to ensure recipients are able to live with dignity.
The productivity Committee to report on the economic costs of poverty and the likely benefits of addressing disadvantage and hardship in Australia.
“Our aim with this submission of feedback to this inquiry is that we can engage further with the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs and ultimately see our recommendations accepted and rolled out to effectively inform policy,” Policy and Advocacy Advisor Josh Gani said.
You can read the 40 recommendations and the full Poverty in Australia submission by clicking here
The policy and advocacy team develop approximately 60 submissions and letters a year on topics and social justice issues The Salvation Army tries to address every day.