Commissioner’s new book tells the stories behind our rallying cry
A new book by Commissioner Miriam Gluyas is being gifted to officers and mission leaders across the country this week.
Produced by Salvos Publishing, the book – Our Rallying Cry, Commissioner Miriam Gluyas with Auxiliary-Lieutenant Rosy Keane and storytellers of our movement – delves into the three tenants of the Australia Territory rallying cry: ‘Jesus-centred, Spirit-led, hope revealed’ and shares stories from across the territory.
Released in time for the visit of the Salvation Army’s world leaders, General Lyndon and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, each officer and mission leader is receiving a copy of the book at divisional rallies across the country.
In the book, Miriam shares her own mission statement, which she developed early on in her life and has never wavered from. It is to “live life to the full”, “love God, others and self”, and “make a difference in someone’s life every day”.
She said she has always loved stories and has heard and witnessed so many during her officership. Then, someone suggested she start writing them down. “So, I would just sit and write and delight in the people that God has put in my path and the beautiful way that they have impacted my life.”
Another officer then challenged her to write a book with the stories and focus it on the ‘Jesus-centred, Spirit-led, hope revealed’ rallying cry. “I asked people from around the nation to contribute, and what a testament the end result is to the goodness of God, and the delight of his people.”
The book is on general sale at the General’s rallies throughout the week for $20 and from Salvos Publishing for $25.