Christmas Day Offering - Hope and a Future Papua New Guinea
Throughout December, Corps and mission expressions across Australia have the opportunity to be part of this year’s Christmas Day Offering to support a young adults mentoring program in Papua New Guinea.
Changing the future of a country begins with strengthening young leaders and giving people hope for the future. The Salvation Army International Development in Australia partners with young Salvationists in Papua New Guinea in the Youth Mentoring Program. Participants develop their leadership skills through a unique road marathon training program, which focuses on four pillars – faith, fitness, education and leadership.
Investing in one of our closest neighbours will empower the nation’s emerging leaders, help bring communities together, and release hope for a brighter, more equitable future, all in the name of Jesus! If you would like to support the Christmas Day Offering appeal and are not able to attend a service on Christmas Day, you can give online by visiting