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Captain Winnie the connector between corps and store

Fairfield Corps Officers Auxiliary-Lieutenants Katharine and Russell Brown (second from right) visited Fairfield Salvos Store, including Julie Bryce (far left) and her team, to foster a greater connection between the two Salvation Army expressions.


When Captain Winnie Ng was a corps officer in her last appointment, she thought God had blessed her with the perfect job. Now, she’s a Salvos Stores chaplain and thanking God for another perfect role!

As a Salvos Stores chaplain in south-west Sydney, Winnie is passionate about connecting corps with their local store and seeing God at work through collaboration in mission.

Captain Winnie Ng loves her role as a chaplain for Salvos Stores in south-west Sydney.

This week she was doing what she loves best – taking corps officers and mission leaders to their local store and introducing them to team members.

In the Canterbury Bankstown area, Bankstown Corps Officers Captains Belinda Zhou and Frank Wang visited Yagoona and Bankstown stores, handing out Easter eggs and chatting about the meaning of Easter to staff and volunteers.

Fairfield Corps Officers Auxiliary-Lieutenants Katharine and Russell Brown visited their local store and had a chance to pray with the team and have conversations with shoppers.

“Easter is a good time to give them some Easter eggs, and then I thought it would be more meaningful if the corps officer comes and talks a bit about what they’re doing at Easter and invites people. And just to continue to sow seeds,” said Winnie.

Winnie is passionate about different expressions of The Salvation Army working together and regularly encourages Salvationists to volunteer or at least visit their local store regularly to browse, donate and get to know people there. “It’s not hard to have conversations with people at our Salvos Stores; there are a lot of opportunities.”

Frank Wang’s team from Bankstown Corps, Belinda, Anthony and Pam, enjoyed an Easter visit plus a special shopping time at Yagoona Salvos Store with Jennifer Lahodiuk and her team.

One small example occurred when Winnie visited one of her stores and discovered that a regular shopper had experienced a bereavement. She was able to care for the woman and pray with her.

This week, when she visited with Easter gifts for store staff and volunteers, she made an extra gift for the community member she had connected with and wrote her a card. She has asked the manager to pass it on the next time she is in the store.

“There are a lot of opportunities – our team members, they are connecting with the community and from there is an opportunity for prayer and comforting people, so it’s a very good space.”


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