Bereavements - 2024

Salvation Army officers and other personnel who have suffered the loss of a loved one:
Major Joan Birch is bereaved of her son, David Birch, who was Promoted to Glory on 21 November 2024. Our love and prayers surround Joan and the family at this sad time and especially over the coming days.
Major Sandra Maunder was bereaved of her father, Brian Maunder, who passed away on 28 November 2024 aged 90 years. A thanksgiving service was held on Wednesday 4 December. Please keep Sandra in your thoughts and prayers at this time.
Captains Robyn and Paul Lorimer are very grateful for the prayerful support and kind messages they have received with the passing of Robyn’s mum, Mavis Barclay, on Sunday 17 November. Our love and prayers surround Robyn and Paul and their family at this sad time and especially over the coming days.
Major Tracey Wicks was bereaved of her mother, Laurel Schulz (Lovegrove), who was Promoted to Glory on Sunday 22 September 2024 aged 90 years. The Thanksgiving Service was held on Wednesday 2 October. Please uplift Tracey in your prayers at this sad time and especially over the coming days.
Major Christine Atkinson’s son and Captain Keith Atkinson’s stepson, Rodney Schryver, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday 17 October 2024, aged 46. Please uplift Christine and Keith in your prayers in this difficult time, as well as Rodney’s wife Rachel and his two children, Abbee and Jed. Rodney was nephew to Major Marianne Schryver and Gweneth Sharp (Captain Phil Sharp is her husband) and Major Petra Dorman and Hans Schryver (father).
Major Patricia Rowe is bereaved of her brother, Ian Muir, who passed away on Saturday 12 October 2024. His Funeral Service was held on Wednesday 23 October.
Major Daniel Templeman Twells is bereaved of his mother, Shirley Templeman Twells, a soldier of Mandurah Corps WA, on Wednesday 2 October 2024 from St. John of God Hospice, Perth. Daniel and Melissa and their children flew back home from Japan to spend quality time with Shirley before she was Promoted to Glory. The Celebration of Life was held on Wednesday 9 October at Mandurah Corps. We pray God’s love and peace will surround Daniel, Melissa and the family in this time of grief and as they fly back to ministry overseas.
Our love and prayers are with Lieut-Colonel Debra Stevens on the passing of her mother-in-law, and Captains Mitchell and Sally Stevens and Kerry and Glenn Smith on the passing of their grandmother, Wilma Lorraine Stevens. Wilma was the much-loved wife of Alan and mother of Lt Colonel Bruce (PTG), Darren and Kayleen and Mark. The Celebration of Life service was held at Merri-bek Corps on Thursday 26 September and was livestreamed/recorded and accessible here.
'In the love of Jesus is all I need…’
Our thoughts are with Major Joyce Osborne on the recent Promotion to Glory of her husband, David, on Friday 20 September 2024. We pray God’s love and peace will surround Joyce and the family as they remember and celebrate his life, particularly in the days and months ahead.
Our thoughts are with Majors Warren and Denise Parkinson on the recent promotion to glory of Warren’s mother, Mrs Mavis Parkinson, on Wednesday 21 August 2024, aged 95. Mavis was a soldier of the Brisbane City Temple Corps and a much-loved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She had been struggling with her health for some time and is now released from the cares of this world to receive her eternal reward.
Our thoughts are with Majors Charlie and Liz Walmsley on the recent passing of Charlie’s Mother, on Friday 14 June 2024, aged 98.
We pray that God’s love and peace will surround Charlie, Liz and the family as they think about and celebrate her life, particularly in these days and months ahead.
Carmel Lambert, mother of Major Brenda Stace and life-long Salvationist was promoted to glory on Friday 10 May 2024. Please keep the family in your prayers at this time.
Colin John Whittle, father to Captain Brad Whittle and his brother Lyle Whittle, father-in-law to Captain Helen and Laura and grandfather to Hedy, Harry and Cooper, passed away on Saturday 1 June 2024. Please keep the family in your prayers.
Mrs Lynette Helen Haupt was promoted to glory on Sunday night, 26 May 2024 after a relatively short battle with cancer. Lynette is the mother of Major Zane Haupt. A celebration of life was held on Friday 7 June at The Salvation Army Redcliffe Corps in Qld. Please keep the Haupt family in your prayers at this time.
Captain Kris Halliday joined his mum and sister by the bedside of his step-father, Jim Halliday for his final hour on Thursday 9 May. Jim was 67 and passed peacefully after a prolonged period of health complications. Prayers that the family - Cheryl, Vanessa, Annie and Jason, would experience Shalom during this season of life are appreciated, and for Kris as he prepares to return to The Netherlands this weekend. Kris wishes to share his gratitude to the International Service Support Team at THQ, Australia for their support over these weeks.
Our thoughts are with Majors Brett and Sally Anne Allchin and the family, on the passing of Brett’s father, Charlie Allchin on Friday 10 May. Charlie was well-known within The Salvation Army circles and his funeral service was a wonderful celebration of his life. We pray for God’s Spirit of comfort to enfold the family at this time.
Major Jennifer Cloke was bereaved of her mother, Winifred Hannan, on Sunday 19 May. Winifred was a former Salvation Army Officer. We pray that God’s love and peace will surround Jennifer and the family at this time.
Major Heather Beitz’s brother Geoffrey Webb passed away on Thursday 18 April 2024, at age 78. He is now at peace with his Lord. Despite challenging health conditions, Geoff maintained his sense of humour and a strong and certain faith in God. Heather would like to express her sincere gratitude to the staff of Palm Lake Nursing Care at Bethania, for the love and care Geoff received over recent months.
Captain Meg Dale was bereaved of her brother, Bruce Bevan, on Wednesday 24 April 2024, at age 56. They are a tight-knit family and Captain Meg would appreciate prayers for her, her mother Margaret and her daughter Caitlin at this sad time.
Our thoughts are with Auxiliary-Lieutenants Amy and Alan Wu on the passing of Amy’s younger sister, Yin Fong Lau, on Friday 12 April 2024. We pray that God’s love and peace will surround Amy, Alan and the family as they gather together in Hong Kong to celebrate the life of her sister.
Major Matthew Moore’s grandmother, Dorothy Moore, passed away on Sunday 31 March aged 99. Please keep all the family in your prayers at this time.
Our thoughts are with Major Rosie Massey (and Elli McGavin) on the passing of her father, Alexander McGavin, on Monday 8 April. We pray for God's Spirit of comfort to enfold the family at this time.
Major Allison Footer was bereaved of her mother on Monday 8 April after a period of illness. We pray that God's peace and love will surround Allison and the family at this time.
Our love and prayers are with Majors Sam and Margaret Price on the passing of Sam’s sister, Jeanette Grinter from Terang Victoria, on Tuesday 5 March 2024. Jeanette was also the Aunty of Major Glenn Price. Please pray for the family at this sad time.