Bereavements - 2023

Salvation Army officers and other personnel who have suffered the loss of a loved one:
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Debbie Bartlett is bereaved of her sister, Rebecca Dippel (Bec), who passed away on Sunday 3 December 2023, after courageously fighting cancer. Our prayers are with Bryan, Debbie, Myles and the family at this sad time.
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Adam Purcell is bereaved of his father, Garry Purcell. Please keep all the family in your thoughts and prayers during this time of loss.
Major Leonie Ainsworth is bereaved of her brother, John Matthews, who passed away peacefully on Sunday 12 November 2023 in Bulli Hospital palliative care. He was 82 years old, having fought a battle with three different cancers over the past 10 years. He gave his heart to the Lord on Friday and then went to be with Him on Sunday. Amidst our sadness, we praise God for His grace and faithfulness!
Captain Elizabeth Kang received news of the death of her sister in devastating circumstances on Saturday 18 November in Sudan. She was the mother of five children. Please keep all the family in your thoughts and prayers during this time of tragic loss.
Envoy Ivan Kelly was promoted to Glory on Thursday 26 October 2023. He passed peacefully at home. His wife Noelene and five children would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers at this time. Ivan attended Marrickville Corps, then Seven Hills Corps and for the last 40 years of his service attended Blacktown City Corps. Ivan was a grandfather and great-grandfather.
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Bryan Bartlett is bereaved of his mother, Alwyn Gordon who passed away on Tuesday 17 October 2023. Our prayers are with Bryan, Debbie, Myles and the family at this sad time.
Our love and prayers are with Majors Leanne (ret.) and Drew Ruthven, Majors Sue and Cameron (dec.) Wallace, Andrew and Emma Parkinson, on the passing of their loving father and father-in-law, David Parkinson on Wednesday 18 October 2023 aged 89 years. The Celebration of Life was held on Tuesday 24 October at Arndale Corps.
David was the much-loved husband of Jeanette and adoring Poppa of Claire, Darryn, Lyle, Hayley, Lachlan, Ainslee, Lucas and Zoe, and their families, and Great Poppa of Louis and Gilbert. We pray for peace and strength for family and friends of David and thank God for David’s untiring commitment and joyful service shown in all areas of his life.
Territorial Envoy Lloyd Graham was bereaved of his wife Vicki Graham on Monday 18 September 2023. The funeral was held on Monday 25 September.
Territorial Envoy Ron Petterson was bereaved of his brother-in-law, Philip Reeks. Our prayers are with Ron and his sister Coral and the family at this sad time.
Major Russell Adams was bereaved of his brother, Morris Adams who passed away on Saturday 23 September 2023. Our prayers are with Russell and the family at this sad time.
Major Eileen Holley was bereaved of her mother, Joyce Lodge, a Salvationist from the Gunnedah Corps. She was promoted to glory on Saturday 23 September 2023. Our love and prayers surround Majors Eileen and Peter Holley and the family.
Major Russell Lawson was bereaved of his mother, Elaine Lawson, on Monday 28 August 2023 aged 87. Her funeral service was conducted by Russell on Wednesday 6 September. Elaine is survived by her husband, Harry and six children, Cheryle, Jane, Graeme, Russell, Leanne and Julie. She has a great love for The Salvation Army, having resided in a children’s home for several years of her childhood/early teens. Over the years she was involved with Moree, Glen Innes and Dubbo Corps and 19 years with the Baptist Church in Gloucester. A faithful woman of God, who served faithfully right up until her passing.
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Tony Barford is bereaved of his father, Valentine Thomas Barford, on Tuesday 22 August 2023, aged 100 years and four months. An architect, devoted father, husband, and carer to both Tony’s mother, and elder sister, Valentine grew old with grace and peace. Please remember Tony and his family in your prayers.
Major Margaret MacDonald is bereaved of her mother, Doris Haycock, on Tuesday 29 August 2023. Doris was a faithful soldier of the Bunbury Corps, grandmother to Captain Gareth MacDonald and mother-in-law to Major Michelle Myles. Please remember the family in your prayers at this time.
Our love and prayers are with Colonels Kalie and Geoff Webb and family on the promotion to glory of Kalie’s Dad, Kevin Down, who passed away on Sunday night 13 August 2023 after a long period of sickness. Along with Glenda, Kevin was a faithful Salvationist of many years, most recently at Box Hill Corps and will be greatly missed by family and friends. We pray for God’s peace and strength to surround the family at this time. The Thanksgiving Service will be held at Heritage Funeral Home, 733 Boronia Road, Wantirna at 1pm, Monday 28 August.
Major Roslyn Brooks was bereaved of her mother, Beryl Wescombe, on Wednesday 26 July 2023. She was a faithful soldier of the Wagga Wagga Corps. Please hold Major Roslyn and the whole family in prayer at this sad time.
Our love and prayers also go out to Major Sam Price who was bereaved of his sister, Mrs Lillian Wilkinson, on Monday 24 July 2023. She was 80 years old and passed away with her children by her side in Warrnambool, Victoria. She was also Aunty to Major Glenn Price and David Price. May God continue to give his peace to the family during this time.
Our love and prayers are with Major Rhonda Elkington and her family on the promotion to glory of their mum, Vera Elkington (28/6/1937 – 15/7/2023). Vera passed away peacefully early Saturday morning after a period of sickness. She was a faithful Salvationist for many years having been introduced to The Salvation Army in her teenage years, soldiering at the Fairfield and Heidelberg/Macleod Corps before moving to the Geelong Corps in 1978. Vera will be missed by family and friends.
Major Wendy Freind is bereaved of her father, Erik Morris, who passed away Monday 3 July 2023. Please hold Major Wendy and the whole family in prayer during this tender time.
Major Thelma Fischle is bereaved of her beloved husband, Don Fischle who was promoted to glory on Tuesday 13 June 2023. Don was a truly loved man of God who brought many to the Lord over the years. He was a beloved member of Stafford Corps and enjoyed ministry at the former Albion Corps, Brisbane. His Thanksgiving and Celebration of Life was held on Monday 19 June 2023 at Stafford Corps. Our love and prayers surround Thelma and her family at this sad time.
Captain Matthew Moore has been bereaved of his eldest brother, Luke, who unexpectedly passed away on Thursday 15 June 2023. Please hold Matt and the family in prayer during this sad time.
Major Warren Elliott’s father and Major Kirsten Elliott’s father-in-law, Neil Elliott was promoted to glory unexpectedly on Tuesday 20 June 2023. Neil was a lifelong Salvationist, and the first non-officer Finance Secretary for the Salvation Army and was also seconded to the International Audit Department based at IHQ in London. Please keep all the family in your thoughts and prayers at this time.
Major Wendy Spindler is bereaved of her father, Mr Kevin Gray. Please uplift Major Wendy and her family in your prayers at this time.
Major Coral Hodges and Captain Joy Lotty have been bereaved of their mum, Mrs Joyce Elizabeth Soper who was Promoted to Glory on Thursday 18 May 2023. We also remember Captain Nathan Hodges, her grandson, and the wider families. Mrs Soper went peacefully into the Lord’s presence surrounded by family.
Major Jacqui Warrington is bereaved of her father-in-law Bruce Warrington who was promoted to glory on 27 April 2023. After a protracted season of ill health and time in palliative care, Bruce was surrounded by his family as he entered the Lord’s presence. Please remember Major Jacqui and the family in your prayers at this time.
Major Debbie Hindle would like to thank all those who have shown love and support through prayer for her and her family recently. Peter’s Celebration of Life service was held on Monday 8 May 2023 and was a beautiful celebration of his life. It was a blessing to see so many people, including retired officers, there to support her and she is so thankful.
Captain Donna Sutcliffe was bereaved of her grandfather Mervyn Whyte, on Saturday 25 February 2023, as he passed peacefully at the age of 90. Merv was an adherent of Capricorn Region Corps. Major Peter Sutcliffe conducted the Celebration of Life service on 3 March 2023 in Rockhampton. Please keep Donna, Philip, Malachi and Jacob in your prayers at this time.
Major Paul Hateley is bereaved of his father, Sidney Hateley, who was promoted to Glory on Tuesday 3 January 2023. Sidney is survived by his wife Valda, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. We extend our prayerful support to Paul and his family. The funeral service, conducted by Captain Aaron Stobie, was held at The Salvation Army, Ingle Farm Corps, SA on Friday 13 January 2023.
Majors Alan and Jean Dale are bereaved of their son-in-law John Syer who was tragically killed in a ride on lawn mower accident on Friday 30 December 2022. John was aged 51 and was married toAlan and Jean’s daughter Maryann. Our heartfelt sympathy and prayers are extended to Majors Alan and Jean, their son Daniel, daughter Rosemary and John’s wife Maryann, daughter Charlotte (17) and son JJ (15).
Major David Terracini is bereaved of his sister, Margaret Lord, who unexpectedly passed away on Wednesday 4 January 2023, after a brain aneurysm. Margaret was the twin sister of Ruth Hampton, and sister in law of Majors Michele Terracini and Keith Hampton. Margaret is survived by her husband David Lord, daughter Anita Noble and Matthew Lord. We extend our prayerful support to Margaret’s family and extended family. Her funeral service, conducted by Major David Terracini was held on Thursday 12 January 2023.
Major Bryce Davies was bereaved of his mother, Yvonne Arnott, on Thursday 15 December 2022. A Thanksgiving Service was held yesterday at The Salvation Army, Wyndham Corps. Please pray for Bryce and his family at this sad time.