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A letter from the Territorial Commander


To all who call The Salvation Army their home!

Friends, I am calling all of us to prayer. To really pray. To spend time, to listen, to discern, to hear, to speak, and to speak out what God is saying to us.

These are urgent and exciting days.

Imagine if all of us were first on our knees and then rising up, having heard from the Lord, and going forward into a world that desperately needs Jesus.

This week, we launched our Year of Prayer campaign. I have loved seeing what has been on Facebook and what corps and individuals are planning already.

Aux-Lieutenant Rosy Keane, our Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, has provided us with prayer cards to use each week and a wonderful resource site. Sundays, there is the opportunity to join together and pray.

Even if everyone gets a set of cards and participates in their corps experience, that would be wonderful ... and there is so much more to be involved in.

To find out all you need to know about our Year of Prayer, just click on the following links or copy and paste into your browser:

Or contact Aux-Lieutenant Rosy Keane at

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV)

Bless you, friends. Let God speak, and may we respond.

Believing big.

Commissioner Miriam Gluyas

Territorial Commander


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