• 40 days of kindness

Are you planning to participate in Lent this year?
Lent, which commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert enduring tempting by Satan, begins on 14 February this year, and finishes the Thursday before Good Friday – 28 March.
This season usually involves giving up something you love for that time – with chocolate, coffee, social media, favourite treats and unhealthy habits being among the popular targets.
This year, The Salvation Army International Headquarters is encouraging Salvos communities around the world to reflect on God’s outrageous love and his generosity to us – and make it known to others – by participating in 40 acts of kindness across 40 days. These are acts of giving out to others, inspired by scripture – and all those who participate will engage in the same 40 acts of kindness, regardless of where they are in the world.
To learn about the daily acts and follow the content, click here.
To view and download the resources, including a journal containing all 40 acts and in multiple languages, click here.
To receive prompts on your newsfeed for each day of Lent, follow
@SalvArmySpiritualLife on Facebook and Instagram
Let's make a kind difference in our world this Lent, one small significant act at a time.
“God has shown us his love by sending his only Son into the world so that we could have life through him.”